Friday, August 26, 2005

A Little Bit of Soy - RealAge Tip of the Day

A little soy goes a long way when it comes to blood pressure control.

Adding 40 grams of soy protein to daily diets -- the equivalent of a couple servings of soy milk and a couple ounces of soy flour -- may help lower blood pressure in people who have mild hypertension or prehypertension, a recent study suggests. Edamame, soy burgers, and soy-based cold cuts are other great ways to get your daily soy.

RealAge Benefit: Eating a diverse diet that is low in calories and high in nutrients can make your RealAge as much as 4 years younger.
- Originally published on 08/24/2005

Soybeans are high in protein and low in fat, making them a great addition to your diet if you're trying to lose weight or have certain health conditions, such as heart disease or diabetes. In a recent study, participants with mild hypertension or prehypertension (average blood pressure 135/85 mm Hg) were given 40 grams of soybean protein supplements per day for 12 weeks. Soy supplementation lowered blood pressure in both populations by the end of the study. Soy lowered systolic pressure in people with mild hypertension by nearly 8 points and diasystolic pressure by about 5 points. People with prehypertension experienced about a 2-point decrease in systolic pressure and just over a 1-point reduction in diasystolic pressure. Although diet is an important component of blood pressure control, follow your healthcare provider's advice regarding the types of foods you should eat, as well as his or her recommendations about exercise and medication.


"Effect of soybean protein on blood pressure: a randomized, controlled trial."
He, J., Gu, D., Wu, X., Chen, J., Duan, X., Chen, J., Whelton, P. K., Annals of Internal Medicine 2005 Jul 5;143(1):1-9


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