Thursday, January 20, 2005

Transform Your Life ~ Oprah

grow old with me - james browne, artist Posted by Hello

  • Weight
  • Your Health
  • Beauty
  • Sexuality
  • At Any Age
  • Emotional Well-being
  • Bob Greene
    • Begin to Cope with Tragedy
      Use tragedy as a catalyst for positive change. Begin the healing process and see where life leads you—it may just be more fulfilling!
      You can use tragedy as a catalyst for positive change. Begin the process of healing and see where your life leads you…it may just be more fulfilling.
      Begin Healing:
      Life coach Cheryl Richardson shares four simple steps to start the healing process.
      Workbook :
      Answer these questions to begin the coping process.
      Journal Exercise:
      Revisit a favorite memory. It might make a world of difference.
      For inspiring stories of triumph, see what happened on the show:
      Lifestyle Makeovers: How Well Do You Cope?

      lost star - james browne, artist Posted by Hello

      Understanding Your Emotional Style - Oprah
      Understanding Your Emotional Style
      Identify your emotional style—it may be hurting your relationships and be keeping you from living your best life!
      KNOW YOURSELF > Go to Finding Your Authentic Self.
      What's Your Emotional Style?
      Most people can identify with at least one of these emotional styles. Read each of the following groups of questions, and then begin to discover your own emotional style:

      Did you have a loss early in life that makes you fear losing people?
      Do you cling to people or push them away because you're afraid of losing them?
      In relationships, are you so obsessed with the fear you'll be left, that you push people away?
      1. Your emotional style could be Abandonment. Read more about Abandonment.
      Do you find yourself irritated when someone keeps you from doing what you want?
      Do you feel that you are somehow special, and the rules don't apply to you?
      2. Your emotional style could be Entitlement. Read more about Entitlement.
      Are you drawn to people who control you or make decisions for you?
      Do you feel guilty about having needs or wants of your own?
      Do you feel resentful when your needs or wishes aren't considered?
      3. Your emotional style could be Subjugation. Read more about Subjugation.
      When you were young, were you made to feel that you didn't belong in some way?
      Do you tend to feel like an outsider in a group?
      Are you shy and self-conscious in social situations?
      4. Your emotional style could be Exclusion. Read more about Exclusion.
      Do you feel people can't be trusted?
      As a child, were you treated unfairly or abused?
      Do you feel that people you are close to will betray your trust?
      5. Your emotional style could be Mistrust. Read more about Mistrust.
      As a child, were you put down or made to feel inept?
      Do you fear you won't succeed at anything, no matter how hard you try?
      Do you feel that you don't deserve the success you've had?
      6. Your emotional style could be Failure. Read more about Failure.
      Do you feel that if people knew the "real" you, they would see that you're flawed?
      Do you feel a sense of shame that keeps you from letting people get close?
      Are you drawn to people who are critical and rejecting of you?
      7. Your emotional style could be Unlovability. Read more about Unlovability.
      Do you hold yourself to the highest standards, but feel it's never good enough?
      When you were young, were you made to feel you could always do better, no matter what you accomplished?
      Do your relationships or health suffer because you push yourself too hard?
      8. Your emotional style could be Perfectionism. Read more about Perfectionism.
      Do you often feel that people don't really care about your needs or tune into your feelings?
      Do you often find yourself in a caretaker role with others?
      Are you drawn to relationships with people who are cold, or self-absorbed?
      9. Your emotional style could be Deprivation. Read more about Deprivation.
      Do you often have the fear that something bad will happen to you or a loved one?
      Do your fears keep you from doing things that you would like?
      Are you overly preoccupied with worries about health or finances?
      10. Your emotional style could be Vulnerability. Read more about Vulnerability.

      Emotional Alchemy: How the Mind Can Heal the Heart
      - by Tara Bennett-Goleman

      In Tara Bennett-Goleman's book,Emotional Alchemy, she identifies 10 emotional styles that we all can identify. Your emotional style is your instinctive emotional reaction to situations. It's important to identify your emotional style, Tara adds, because it could be hurting your relationships, and ultimately keeping you from living your best life.
      From the Publisher
      Alchemists sought to transform lead into gold. In the same way, says Tara Bennett-Goleman, we all have the natural ability to turn our moments of confusion or emotional pain into insightful clarity.
      Emotional Alchemy maps the mind and shows how, according to recent advances in cognitive therapy, most of what troubles us falls into ten basic emotional patterns, including fear of abandonment, social exclusion (the feeling we don't belong), and vulnerability (the feeling that some catastrophe will occur). Through the simple practice of mindfulness taught in this book, we can free ourselves of such patterns and replace them with empathy for ourselves and others, as well as the freedom to be more creative and alive.
      You'll find the very latest research in neuroscience—including the neurological "magic quarter second," during which it is possible for a thought to be "caught" before it turns into an emotional reaction. And you'll discover the fascinating parallels of this science with the wisdom of ancient Buddhism — for Buddhists knew centuries ago that we can end our self-destructive habits.
      This remarkable book also teaches the practice of mindfulness, an awareness that lets us see things as they truly are without distortion or judgment, giving the most insightful explanation of how mindfulness can change not only our lives, but the very structure of our brains. Here is a beautifully rendered work full of Buddhist wisdom and stories of how people have used mindfulness to conquer their self-defeating habits. The result is a whole new way of approaching our relationships, work, and internal lives.
      From the Oprah Show, Understanding Your Emotional Style

      take flight - james browne, artist Posted by Hello
      Finding Your Authentic Self - Oprah
      Get Your Power Back
      Begin to build authentic power—the kind of power that comes from inside. Once you create it, it can never be taken away from you.

      When Life Seems Unfair
      What do you do when nothing is going your way? Do you ask, "Why me?" or do you look for what your life is trying to tell you? How you choose to respond to the difficult things that happen to you can mean the difference between a life of anger…or joy.
      Spiritual counselor Gary Zukav says that everything happens for a reason, and that reason is your spiritual growth. Find out what you can do when life takes a turn that just doesn't seem fair.

      Are stress, bad relationships and other energy drains making you miserable and even causing illness and disease? What do you do when nothing is going your way?
      Begin to turn tragedy into spiritual growth.

      1. Beginning to Cope with Tragedy
      2. Grief-Healing Techniques
      3. How to Forgive Yourself.
      4. Say "Yes" to You.
      5. Energy Drains
      6. Quiz: What's Draining You?
      7. What to Do When Life Seems Unfair
      8. What Fuels You? Healthy vs. Unhealthy Fuels
      9. Quiz: What's Fueling You?
      10. Quiz: Are You Running on Adrenaline?
      11. Energy Drains and Your Health
      12. Stress Check List
      13. Steps to Live in the Moment
      14. Relaxation Techniques
      15. Get a New Leash on Life: Exercise in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
      16. Learn How to be an Optimist.
      17. Stamina Quiz: Can You Keep Up?

      From the Oprah Show Gary Zukav: What to Do When Life Seems Unfair

      der sandman - james browne, artist Posted by Hello

      KNOW YOURSELF > Go to What Do You Believe?
      Forgiveness doesn't mean you approve of what's happened—it means you're allowing yourself to move on. Learn to cope with the past.

      Make Peace with Your Past > Features & Advice
      Forgiveness doesn't mean you approve of what's happened—it means you're allowing yourself to move on. Learn to cope with the past.
      Dr. Phil says that forgiveness is what you do for yourself, not for other people. When you forgive, it doesn't mean that you approve of what's happened; instead, it means that you're giving yourself permission to move on with your life.
      Dr. Phil's Advice to Cope with the Past

      • The pain of what happened is inevitable, but continuing to suffer is optional.
      • For some people, making peace happens suddenly and spontaneously. For others, it takes much effort and time. There is no "right" timeline for recovery.
      • Find meaning in what happened. Discover some wisdom from your experience, and share it with others.
      • Don't expect a success-only journey. People can thrive and suffer at the same time.
      • While the pain may never completely disappear, you can find a new sense of strength and a renewed appreciation for life, as long as you're willing to make the effort.
      From the show Dr. Phil: Making Peace with Your PastRelationships > Family Dynamics > Rebuilding Connections > How do you make peace and patch things up with your family?

      Take Control of your Life ~ Oprah

      bee catcher - james browne, artist Posted by Hello
      Learn to Say "No"
      Each time you say "yes" to someone or something else, you say "no" to you and your priorities. Learn to decline requests!
      Taking Control Features and Advice:
      TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE > Taking Control
      Confront Your
      Toxic Relationships
      Are you afraid of confronting someone in your life who is critical, judgmental or just can't be happy for your success?
      Your life may be full of people who are draining your energy and therefore not letting you live the life of your dreams. Life coach Cheryl Richardson helps you find out how to identify these people and take steps to heal or end these relationships.
      Toxic Qualities in People
      Several types of people deter you from your path to living a fulfilled life. Cheryl describes six toxic qualities.
      Test the Quality of Your Relationships
      Determine whether a relationship drains you or fuels you. Ask yourself the following questions.
      Confronting Conflict with Grace
      If you feel a relationship can be healed, follow these three steps. Plus, get the words to say to stand up to your toxic friends and family.

      Are you confronting the negative relationships in your life? What have you done to make them better?
      From the Oprah Show Lifestyle Makeovers: Toxic Relationships


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