Sunday, February 06, 2005

SARK's eLetter (e stands for energy) ~ excerpts

Subject: Perfect Opportunities
Date: You Are Fabulous February (2005)
“And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy.”
~ Kahlil Gibran

Dear Fabulous Soul,
Each day, I am given perfect opportunities to practice seeing and experiencing joy even when (and especially when) circumstances seem to indicate otherwise. My practice does not mean skipping over the pain or discomfort to get to the joy, but rather, sitting with pain or discomfort and allowing it to shift into something else -- and it always does.
For years, one of my biggest fears was facing my emotional eating. I’d whittled it down from a lot to less, but it still had a daily effect on me. In early December, I decided it was time to choose total freedom, and I stopped this habit of eating for emotional reasons.
I discovered that I ate for just about every reason except for physical nourishment. I even ate to comfort myself about my emotional eating! Many things led up to my decision to eat differently, and I’m sure I’ll be writing more about it.
I can truly say that I’ve never experienced anything so difficult as stopping this habit. I’m sure there is more to learn and experience as I uncover the layers of what caused me to use food in these ways
My perfect opportunity has been to enjoy my body even more now that I’m not constantly filling it up with food. My stomach feels peaceful, and I’m feeling lighter and more physically present. I can also assure you that I’m eating lots of delicious food, and feeling very satisfied by it.
One of the biggest shifts has occurred with my sleeping patterns. After living for almost 50 years as a nocturnal creature, I am becoming diurnal! I’m astounded by the beauty of the mornings and am REALLY enjoying sleeping during the night. It’s very odd because I have identified so strongly with being nocturnal. It’s also poignant because I started being nocturnal at age 7, to try to defend myself from being molested. Finally, 43 years later, I feel safe enough to just sleep. Of course, who knows whether this pattern will shift back.
My perfect opportunity is to let my body lead the way and not my mind.
I wish for all of us increased abilities to see and experience our perfect opportunities and to allow our transformations each day of our lives!

Exquisitely yours, SARK
(Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy)


SARK's Radiant Resources Posted by Hello

BOOKS ~Anne was my “virtual assistant” for three years and is now my events manager. I highly recommend Anne and her services. ~ Fabulous ways to explore and experience the teachings of Abraham. ~ Mike specializes in the power of appreciation. He delivers keynotes, seminars, and coaches people one-on-one. He is a dear friend. He works with individuals and organizations of all kinds -- empowering people to appreciate themselves, to acknowledge each other, and to live fulfilled lives. Contact Mike about speaking at an event or to inquire about his personal coaching. Sign-up for his free e-zine called Appreciation in Action. I am so glad to share my great appreciation for Mike and his work!


SARK's Ecstatic Events
Posted by Hello

“I’m very glad to let you know that my newest book ~ Make Your
Creative Dreams REAL ~ is now out in paperback. I’ll be doing two free events in February in San Francisco to celebrate, and YOU’RE invited.”

Find out more about SARK’s Ecstatic Events on

Posted by Hello

SARK invites you to take pleasure and inspiration from her FREE five-minute recorded message.
Call 415-546-EPIC (3742) or listen online.

For the latest news go to the Planet SARK Announcements forum on the Marvelous Message Board.

For the latest color-full, art-filled version, version of SARK's eLetter, you can view it online.


SARK's eShop
Posted by Hello

“To support even more creative living, I’ve created a cool new game -- 'The Creative Dream Game' which will be in stores later this year. I’m also excited to share my great new 'You Are My Gorgeous Friend' notecards, big colorful magnets, and fabulous posters and prints, too.”
All of SARK's books and products are available in the the eShop on

SARK Publications
Posted by Hello

Happenings on ''PlanetSARK Community''
Posted by Hello


Little Lotus
I have so much fun exploring the webspaces of society of SARK subscribers. I am often drawn to one by merely a picture or introductory sentence. However, I am over the moon about the
webspace that belongs to Little Lotus. She makes the most amazing jewelry from beach glass, and I love looking at the art she often posts in her image gallery. I am drawn to the changing beauty of her website and her effort to share her art and make money doing it. I love exploring there, and it often brings me feelings of gratefulness, awe, and peace.
I just adore her website. -- Katherine
My favorite, so far -- since I have yet to see the others' -- is planetcitygirl73's ... for its organization, she's completed most if not all of the pages, and those dreams are out there for us to visualize together with her. -- kat
Love her creativeness!! I am always just in awe and inspired after viewing her web space. Her ideas are FANTASTIC!!! -- US
Whenever i see Praxis's web space come up, I have this soft, gentle happy feeling. Maybe it has to do with the pictures of her and her son -- so compelling. But Praxis is an amazing woman who has been here forever, it seems. I see her as one of the "Great Mothers" of the MMB -- along with others. -- Lisa marie

Congratulations and thank you all for creatively sharing yourselves in our community. We will be sending each of you a special gift from Planet SARK.
You can view all of the "Society of SARK" members' Web Spaces and learn more about becoming a member of the Planet SARK Community.

Planet SARK
415-397-SARK (7275)
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Copyright (c) 2005 SARK
All rights reserved.
Permission is granted to reproduce, copy, or distribute this eLetter, so long as this copyright notice and full information attributing SARK are attached.


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