Thursday, June 09, 2005

What's Up on Planet Earth? eNews: The Darkness"

June 8, 2005

The Darkness

We are in some powerful energy now that is most assuredly releasing much of what we refer to as "darkness". I do not speak of darkness very often as what we focus on becomes our reality and draws more of it to us, as well as supporting any victim consciousness we may be carrying. But this is, as always, dependent upon our definitions of "darkness" and most certainly our relationship to it as well. And in addition, we are residing in energies that have basically integrated the polarity consciousness now, as we have risen above the old realities of dark/light and right/wrong.

So on that note, let's begin again. For the past few days, and most notably last evening, we experienced a great release or upsurgence of darkness. This is all part of our emergence into a New World and into a New Human.

This could be felt as a severe and sudden depression, severe and sudden thoughts of suicide, feelings of mental illness of some sort, a feeling of great "heaviness", feelings of vulnerability, an inability to find a good feeling space, feelings of futility, a great self-loathing, feelings of great unexplained guilt, a lack of self-confidence, and so forth.

Or perhaps you have experienced a "falling out" or argument with a friend, as we are not enjoying their darkness! And maybe just feelings of not wanting to do anything or not being able to get where we want to go as nothing we can come up with feels remotely good.

What is occurring now is the beginning of the big "shake-up". As we are now poised to enter the half-way point for the arrival of the New World at the physical levels, and as two waves of ascension have occurred, we are readying for the next phase.

I have felt the "darkness" around for several days. Suddenly last evening I became severely nauseous with diarrhea, and my body felt as though it had been run over by a truck. I felt as though I were dying within every cell of my body and could barely walk. Today I feel fine. A friend of mine who is a medium felt a sudden rush of energy (which felt dark), and was guided to stay home and also to exercise to stay centered and grounded.

"Un-earthed" was the word I kept hearing as well. When we experience a great shift, it usually brings much with it. When I made a big leap over a year ago, I went through an intense period of dark energy and could not find a ray of light anywhere. This is generally part of the process. Many individuals who come into their power and begin accessing their psychic abilities have great encounters with darkness.

Remember, we are poised now for the "great fall", or the fall of the darkness and it is now beginning. I honestly did not see this happening for a few weeks yet, but those surprises are always much better than I could ever have imagined!

There are several explanations for this process, depending upon which level you choose to view things. One could say that whenever we make a great leap into the light, the darkness brings out the big guns and gives its all to usurp things in every way possible. It can get into our heads and convince us that we are powerless and good for not much of anything.....really pushing our buttons and reducing us to a much more ineffectual being.

Knowing that its time is over and it is on the way out, the darkness is trying everything possible to sabotage the plan, one might believe. Or perhaps it is just too arrogant to even see that it can no longer exist in these higher realms. Or maybe it is attacking all the new bearers of light as they are gaining great power now, and the new leaders need to be stopped by the fearful darkness.

But I see a different scenario. We are entering into big "shake-up" energy. Much, then, will be brought to the surface for release, within us and without. As whatever is within us is now revealed and illuminated, it is flying around and we are feeling it at some level. We cannot feel and experience what we are not.

I personally have experienced and believe that every energy and entity around us is simply a part of us that we chose to own or not; even the angels and our "guides". Ultimately, we are everything in all ways. Yes, the other version is much more romantic and dramatic, but energy is always simply energy, with no meanings but what we may give it.

During this time as well, as we are being "un-earthed" and much is being "removed", we may feel disoriented and lost, walking in a dream world, and not knowing where we are or what is "real" anymore. Those feelings of "maybe I have a mental illness" may be rising to the surface again as we are going into new territory where we have never been before and becoming beings we have never been before in these particular bodies.

And again, I repeatedly see that as the old world crashes, tumbles and comes down, we will be safe, secure and in another world of our own making, as we are going ahead of the masses and embodying more light. This then will place us in a space where much may be swirling around us, but as we have very little of "darker or denser" energies within us, we will not be affected. We will not feel this crashing down of the old in the physical as much because we cannot feel and experience what we are not.

What will be leaving are the "misperceptions". It is what we thought was real. It is the way we believed things were. It is who we thought "we" were. It is how we believed things "worked". If you feel like you are "losing it", it is because you are. But what will remain will be who you REALLY incredible being of light with unique and special gifts and talents that makes you like no one else. What is now being revealed to us and where we are very rapidly residing, is in an incredible New World and place that is magnificent far beyond what our old ego minds could ever have imagined.

Are you ready to create the New World? Are you ready to shareyour contribution through your passion and joy?

I thank you for sharing in my joy of being me through this energy alert. Many blessings, much peace and incredible joy in these miraculous times,


What's Up On Planet Earth? is a free/donation based energy alert connecting us through information about physical, emotional, spiritual and planetary changes many of us are experiencing, including inspiring stories and suggestions for living in the New evolving vibration and a view of the world soon to come (it's truly beautiful!). And know that although many of us are having similar ascension experiences, we are going through these incredible changes at a time and in a way unique to each of us. To your unending, joyful creations!
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Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Walking on Lilypads - SARK's eLetter

SARK's eLetter (e stands for energy)

Issue 2005-06-06

To be fully alive is to feel that everything is possible.” -- Eric Hoffer

Dear Joy-full Soul,

The other day, I was feeling trapped by my voluminous “to do” list, and also rather discouraged about the subject of dating.
I think I want to date and then become puzzled by “how to date.”

I think it’s easy to get caught or lost in what we think about, more than who we actually are. My mind gets so very busy with “how things might not work out,” or how they’re hard, or I’m stuck, or a seemingly endless variety of lack of possibilities.

So I went to do my laundry, which usually eases my mind. At the laundromat I noticed a young man with bright eyes, smiling at me. He said with a lilting accent: “A lovely laundry day to you!”

I breathed in the joy in his comment and asked him where he was from. He said he was from Bulgaria, traveling the world, and stopped in San Francisco to “admire the light.” He was carrying a thick book by Gurdjieff (one of my spiritual mentors), and we promptly engaged in a lively, serendipitous conversation about traveling through difficult places, the mysteries of love, how fear can entangle us, and even how large lilypads can support a person standing or walking on them!

His twinkling energy and this conversation stayed with me all day and reminded me of all the possibilities there are in the world. His energy reminded me about the qualities of expansion, and how when I practice expansive thinking it feels like it clears out the walls and takes off the roof.
I had once again gotten stuck in tedium, snared by overwhelm, and with regard to the subject of dating, repeating old patterns of thinking small. When this happens, it’s like my thinking gets really narrow, and then I get afraid. It feels like my fear narrows the corridors and makes me think there are no other routes or possibilities. In that narrow-thinking state, I then use whatever happens as “proof” that it’s true!

I will reluctantly admit that it feels like there’s a certain kind of safety in the narrowness. The narrowness feels stiflingly familiar and kind of snug in its safety.

Of course, it’s not safe at all.
We are meant to stretch, move, grow, and change.
We are made to continually expand.

Expansive thinking can feel scary in its very spacious qualities. If “anything can happen,” what if I’m overwhelmed by what DOES happen?

Here I go again, narrowing down!

The truth is, I feel joyfull at the expansion of possibilities. I love the unexpected and the places of change. I also forget that I love these things.

I think that the curious truth is, if we can recognize when and where we’re not expanding our possibilities and WHY we might be choosing a smaller or more narrow view, we can then turn to embrace and allow the possibilities. Allowing all the possibilities is my reNEWed practice.

-- Where are you in need of expansive thinking?
-- What possibilities are you forgetting about?
-- How might you be looking with narrow vision?
-- Why do you want to expand your possibilities?

And speaking of dating, if you know of a man in San Francisco who would like to date me, send him along. He needs to be 40 or older and willing to walk on lilypads.


PS: After I wrote this, I realized that it may seem that the guy in the laundromat was someone for me to date -- he was just too young. However, he inspired me to think expansively about the whole subject of meeting people. Since my encounter with him, I'm now starting to date! Dating is the operative word, since I'm interested in exploring and experiencing the dating realm. So do still send along any interesting, available, adventurous men who would enjoy a dating adventure with me.


Space Between the Stars: My Journey to an Open Heart
By Deborah Santana
Deborah’s book is a beautifully written memoir of her life,
loves, and lessons.
To look inside this book go to:

It’s My Pleasure: A Revolutionary Plan to Free Yourself from
Guilt and Create the Life You Want
By Maria Rodale and Maya Rodale
“Pleasure revolutionaries” are gorgeously portrayed in this
book, acting as inspiring examples for ALL of us to drench
ourselves with pleasure and expansive thinking, too.
To look inside this book go to:

I Need Your Love – Is that True? How to Stop Seeking Love,
Approval, and Appreciation and Start Finding Them Instead
By Byron Katie with Michael Katz
If you know Byron Katie’s “The Work,” you’ll be glad she
created this book. I’m loving her expansive thinking about
To look inside this book go to:

My beloved friend Joshua creates music from his expansive
soul, direct to your soul. This is his glorious new website.
There’s a flock of wild parrots in San Francisco, and this is
a fabulous love story about a man who fed them and how
his life was transformed. I highly recommend this movie!
Marney Makridakis is a creative fountain, and her Artella
site just vibrates with joyfull creative expression. She
recently interviewed me, and I am so inspired by her
and what she creates!


SARK’s New Creative Companion: Ways to Free Your Creative
Spirit is now out in bookstores, and that means SARK will be
on tour celebrating her new book. Summertime is just ripe for
nourishing and reveling in our creativity with kindred spirits.
SARK wants to share gifts, games, inspirations, and surprises
-- in person, with YOU. Be sure to check out the dates and
mark your calendars!

SARK’s 2005 Events and Book Tour Schedule:

June 10-12 -- Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, NY
July 11 -- Capitola Book Cafe, Capitola, CA
July 25 -- East West Bookstore, Mountain View, CA
July 30 -- Shakti Foundation, Aspen, CO
Oct 15 -- Shakti Foundation, San Francisco, CA
Nov 11-14 -- Celebrate Your Life, Scottsdale, AZ

Find out more about SARK’s Ecstatic Events on


Is your own Traveling Dream Chair ready for summer
vacation? Need a soft, gentle reminder? Rest your head,
shoulders, and neck on SARK’s new Traveling Dream
Chair Pillow. Bypass the travel agent and airport security
altogether, and still get where you need to go.

A Exclusive, SARK’s Traveling Dream
Chair Pillow is available for purchase in our eSHOP:

Check out all the latest products under New Arrivals in the eShop:

Thank YOU for supporting! Purchasing
books and products through the eShop directly supports
the creation of new SARK products and the development
of the freebies offered through our website.

Check out all the Free Stuff here:

HAPPENINGS ON PLANETSARK.COM is now a bouncing, radiant, beautifull
one-year old!

It's been a scrumptious year! To celebrate the first
anniversary of the launch of, SARK
presents you with a gift of art and inspiration: FREE
downloadable SARK wallpaper for your computer desktop.
We honor YOU for supporting and participating in our
creative community built from the heart.

Rip off the birthday bow, and select from the four juicy
choices of FREE SARK Wallpaper here:


Artella Magazine’s May Issue, “The Dreamworld: Night Sees
The Day” includes a brand new multimedia CD featuring a
succulent interview with SARK.

Check out Inner Views in SARK's Studio on
to hear an MP3 clip of the Artella interview and explore the
links to more publications featuring SARK:


Planet SARK
415-397-SARK (7275) General Info

For the latest company news go to the Planet SARK
Announcements forum on the Marvelous Message Board:


SARK invites you to take pleasure and inspiration from her
FREE five-minute recorded message. Call 415-546-EPIC (3742)
or listen online at:

SARK enjoys reading your messages in her Glorious
Guestbook and invites you to share your thoughts and
wishes "when the spirit moves you." The Guestbook is
in SARK’s Studio on

You can post questions, which SARK answers randomly as
time permits, in the "Ask SARK" forum on the Marvelous
Message Board:

To subscribe:

Thank You!
Copyright (c) 2005 SARK
All rights reserved.

Permission is granted to reproduce, copy, or distribute this
eLetter, so long as this copyright notice and full information
attributing SARK are attached.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Omega-3 Alternatives - RealAge Tip of the Day

Yahoo! Mail -

Monday, June 6
Omega-3 Alternatives

If you want heart-healthy omega-3s, fish oil is not your
only option.

Omega-3 fatty acids are associated with a reduced risk of
dangerous heart arrhythmias, and fish oil supplements are a
great source. However, a new study shows omega-3-rich soy
oil supplements may provide those heart-health benefits,
too, albeit to a smaller degree. Speak to your healthcare
provider about the best supplements for you.

RealAge Benefit: Eating a low-fat diet -- and eating healthful unsaturated fats when you do eat fat -- can make your RealAge as much as 6 years younger.

Foods rich in omega-3 fats include walnuts; flaxseeds; certain vegetable oils such as canola oil, mustard oil, flaxseed oil, and soybean oil; and certain seafood items such as salmon, oysters, herring, and cod. Omega-3 fats decrease blood levels of triglycerides, inhibit inflammation, help prevent the formation of arterial plaques, and improve blood vessel function. A new study of 58 elderly nursing home residents reveals omega-3s may help prevent potentially fatal heart arrhythmias. In the study, half of the group received 2 grams of fish oil capsules per day for 6 months while the other half received the same schedule of soy oil capsules. Both groups experienced increased heart rate variability (HRV), a measure of the beat-to-beat changes in heart rate that may help protect the heart from life-threatening cardiac events. The fish oil group experienced the greatest increase in HRV rate, which could correlate to a decreased risk for cardiovascular disease and heart attacks. Regular exercise helps increase HRV as well.

Cardiac autonomic changes associated with fish oil vs soy oil supplementation in the elderly.
Holguin, F., Tellez-Rojo, M. M., Lazo, M., Mannino, D., Schwartz, J., Hernandez, M., Romieu, I., Chest 2005 Apr;127(4):1102-1107