Saturday, March 11, 2006

RealAge Health Check

RealAge Health Check
Fri, 10 Mar 2006

Get back on your feet fast.

You follow all the RealAge tips and advice to live healthier,
but sometimes you still get sick. It happens. Not to worry.

Get relief right at home with the RealAge First Aid Center,
whether you have a pounding headache . . . an itchy, scratchy
sore throat . . . the oh-so-dreaded diarrhea . . . or a stuffy,
runny nose.

You'll find a range of quizzes, tools, and other resources to
help you recognize and treat these symptoms and illnesses, plus
jet lag, hangovers, nosebleeds, minor injuries, and more.

Go to the RealAge First Aid Center.

Visit the RealAge First Aid Center and learn:

* what your symptoms mean;
* the best way to treat them;
* if medication will help;
* and when you should call your doctor.

Get comforting cures for common illnesses.
Visit the RealAge First Aid Center today.

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shall not be liable for any errors or delays in the content,
or for any actions taken in reliance thereon.